I often get asked by my clients, “…how will we know if our training intervention was a success?” or "how do we measure training ROI?", and these questions have caused…
Read articleIf you work in e-learning, you will know that the industry is fairly new. Compared to most other jobs out there, e-learning is still fresh, and the term often raises…
Read articleThe agricultural sector plays a key role in the life of an economy and is considered to be the foundation of our economic system. Not only does the Agricultural sector…
Read articleEngagement, a word that has garnered a mystical-like status due to its notorious unattainability. From marketing to entertainment, publishing to relationships, almost all areas of human interaction seek it but…
Read articleWelcome to our third Acronym Aunt! This is where we attempt to banish the fog of confusion surrounding the acronyms in our industry to reveal their polished chrome of truth…
Read articleThe world is a very big place – a fact we often forget. Many of us make assumptions about unknown places, and the Middle East is usually not spared from…
Read articleWelcome to Acronym Aunt, where we attempt to decipher the agonising acronyms in the digital learning industry. Acronyms buzz around our industry the way bees might buzz around a hive,…
Read articleIf you are new to the e-learning industry, you probably feel like people use esoteric acronyms and weird names for software and processes like one would throw around confetti with…
Read articleIf you don’t believe that the visuals are as important as content, I want you to try a little experiment. Wear your pyjamas to the office tomorrow, or if your…
Read articleE‑learning avatars are one of the most useful tools in the tool belt of any e‑learning developer. If you don’t know what they are, let’s start off first by saying…
Read articleOne of the advantages of e‑learning is its ability to incorporate images into the learning experience. These images generally fall into two categories: photography or illustration. Both photography and illustration…
Read articleThe global mining industry has reached a tipping point in an upward trend in its adopting of e‑learning as a tool for training. Within the next few years, e‑learning will…
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