Awesome Free Design Resources to Boost your E-learning

In our previous article we talked about the importance of utilising design best practices in your e-learning design. As part of TTRO’S quest to transform mundane e-learning into the magic, we rely heavily on good supporting graphic design to convey concepts and stories in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
Not everyone is fortunate to have stock-photography accounts or a team of designers on hand, but the global design community is an amazing place that comes together to share free templates and assets for all. We have done some digging and have found some superb sites that offer free design assets for you to use in your e-learning programmes. Be sure though to check out the creative commons instructions if applicable. We have chosen three categories based on the most used design components used by our team in their designs.


free design resources



Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license. All photos are nicely tagged, searchable and also easy to discover through their discover pages.
Over 2 million free high-resolution images brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers.
Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing copyright free images, videos and music. All contents are released under the Pixabay License, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist – even for commercial purposes.


free design resources



Free Icons
Freeicons is a platform for designers and developers for a wide variety of high-quality icons of different styles, sizes with SVG, PNG, AI, EPS and PSD formats that could be used in all their personal and commercial projects.
Who doesn’t love a great freebie?! Download these awesome, free graphic design resources today. Your bank balance will appreciate it and you will love the goodies, we promise we won’t judge you for downloading them all!
Exclusive collection of free icons download for commercial projects without attribution


free design resources


Browse to find the images that fit your content, automagically customise the colour to match your brand and use it as a normal image, embedded code or directly in your design workflow.
Massive library of fresh and modern 2D and 3D illustrations.
Wonderful downloadable library of beautiful diverse characters that you can build into scenarios.
500+ Free Illustrations & Animations. Updated Weekly.

We hope you find some of these useful in your next project. There are loads of amazing free resources out there – you just need some time to explore!


Written by Kate Atkinson

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