RE1 and RE5 Regulatory Exam Preparatory Workshops Open to Public

The Training Room Online (TTRO) has been providing facilitated RE1 and RE5 regulatory exam preparatory workshops to its customers for many years and is now opening these workshops to all members of the financial services industry. All financial services providers (FSPs) in South Africa are invited to sign up delegates for TTRO’s guided workshops, which help individuals prepare for the exams that will make them compliant with the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act.

The FAIS Act requires that only competent and qualified people render services and give advice. An untrained representative should never be allowed to give advice, which is why all FSP practitioners must be FAIS accredited via the RE1 and RE5 Regulatory Exams.

It’s not easy to pass the RE exams without guidance, which is why it is advisable to enroll in a preparation workshop before attempting to write the regulatory exam.


TTRO is offering workshops on the following dates:

RE5 workshop dates

6th to 10th December 2021

7th to 11th March 2022

9th to 13th May 2022

4th to 8th July 2022

5th to 9th September 2022

7th to 11th November 2022


RE1 workshop dates

4th to 8th April 2022

15th to 19th August 2022

5th to 9th December 2022

(NOTE – all workshops will either be confirmed or postponed 10 days in advance dependant on number of delegates)


With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to keep learners and facilitators safe while still ensuring that learners can sufficiently prepare for their examinations, TTRO is offering to run these workshops as virtual sessions.

The structure of these virtual sessions will enable learners to:

  • Attend shorter sessions that take less productive time out of their working day.

  • Get the learning in smaller chunks, which is less overwhelming considering the topics.

  • Gives learners time between sessions to complete tasks and gain a better understanding of the new information.

  • Allow learners to ask questions around content they may not have grasped in the previous session.

The following elements are standard in TTRO’s virtual solution:

  • 1x LexisNexis handbook, 1x Learner Guide, and 1x TTRO branded book bag (per learner).

  • E-learning modules will be available via the TTRO Learning platform.

  • Mock Exam questions accessible on the TTRO Learning platform.

The virtual workshop sessions include all the components offered in the facilitated workshop and are designed to bring the material to life, address any problems learners have in understanding the content and provide learners with exam tips and techniques.


TTRO has a national team of experienced facilitators within the financial services and call centre industries that have all been through an accreditation process in preparation for facilitating these sessions. They each have:

  • Minimum of two years’ experience with FAIS and other related legislation.

  • Minimum of two years’ facilitation experience.

  • Full and successful completion of the course material and practice examination.

  • Successfully passed the external Regulatory Exam.

Price per workshop is R1,950.00 per delegate per day, excluding VAT. This accommodates all courier costs for materials to be sent to delegates.


Regulatory Exam Preparatory Workshops


Contact us today to book you seat and pass your exams with flying colours!

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