Meeting Learners’ Needs: What We Can Learn from the ‘Lazy User Theory’

Meeting Learners’ Needs: What We Can Learn from the ‘Lazy…

The ‘Lazy User Theory’ was proposed by Mikael Collan and Franck Tétard in 2007. The theory centred around the use…

Read articleMeeting Learners’ Needs: What We Can Learn from the ‘Lazy User Theory’

What is Hybrid Learning? - Defining and distinguishing the concept

COVID-19 has redefined so much of the world it can be difficult to keep pace; it has swept…

Read articleWhat is Hybrid Learning? – Defining and distinguishing the concept

Why Now is the Perfect Time to Integrate Learning into…

The COVID-19 crisis has seen the rapid scaling-up of the digital workplace for many organisations. This has helped…

Read articleWhy Now is the Perfect Time to Integrate Learning into Microsoft Teams

The Essential Design Process for Digital Learning: Where to Start?

Graphic or Visual design in digital learning solutions can make or break a great learning experience. It is…

Read articleThe Essential Design Process for Digital Learning: Where to Start?

How Does Innovation Impact Your Bottom Line?

Innovation is quite a buzzword and gets thrown around quite liberally in some circles. But inside business walls,…

Read articleHow Does Innovation Impact Your Bottom Line?

Programming and People: You are not the Average User

Here’s a question: how does one find the average user? Some might say that the answer is, through…

Read articleProgramming and People: You are not the Average User

How Storytelling Can Improve Your Bottom Line

Some of those among us, who work with sales targets, would say the best story in the world…

Read articleHow Storytelling Can Improve Your Bottom Line

Seriously though, what is Tin Can API?

The first time I ever heard the name Tin Can API, I was stumped as to what it…

Read articleSeriously though, what is Tin Can API?

Why Production Co-ordination is Not for the Faint-hearted

In late 2015, our Production Co-ordinator resigned to work on the set of ‘Black Sails’ and management asked…

Read articleWhy Production Co-ordination is Not for the Faint-hearted

Why Learning Experience Designers are so Valuable to E‑learning

Ever wondered how your e-learning solution came to be? We all know that design teams are responsible for…

Read articleWhy Learning Experience Designers are so Valuable to E‑learning

How to create training that employees want

How many times have you googled something that you didn’t know, or might have forgotten? The world has…

Read articleHow to create training that employees want

Gamification: How to Build an Engaging Learning Experience

This is the second article in a three-part monthly series on gamification. Sign up for our newsletter to…

Read articleGamification: How to Build an Engaging Learning Experience
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