Adobe Captivate

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Work smart.
Work Adobe Captivate.

Embrace an intelligent authoring paradigm – deliver the most engaging, interactive device-independent content with a minimum of fuss.

Automatically create fully responsive content that best fits your learners’ devices, automatically transform legacy projects into responsive projects and automatically deliver great viewing experiences with Adobe Typekit integration.

Adobe Captivate graphic Adobe Captivate graphic
Intelligent Authoring

Deliver engaging, interactive, device-independent content with a minimum of fuss.

Great Viewing

Automatically deliver great viewing experiences with Adobe Typekit integration.

Fully Responsive

Automatically create content that best fits your learners’ devices.

Make Legacy Projects

Automatically fransform legacy projects into responsive projects.

What are the features?

E-Learning Design

Automatically author fully responsive e-learning content and deliver across devices and browsers without programming. Convert desktop courses to mobile learning.

Advanced E-Learning

Develop complex e-learning modules using advanced features or by writing your own scripts.

Stay Ahead
of the Curve

Standardise on Adobe Captivate, the choice of more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies and thousands of small and medium businesses.

Rapid E-Learning

Create courses faster with a free storyboarding app, responsive Fluid Boxes, assessments and 75,000 free eLearning assets.

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